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Duncan Anderson

As fractals are 'rules' based they lend themselves to automation. When do we get the VBA generated version?

Carl Smith

I smell an iLogic takeoff here....


SWEET! Yes iLogic! And iHeart this idea!! I will find time to do this with my students for sure!

Autodesk Manufacturing Toolbox

my thoughts were around iLogic. again, i was under a time crunch last night...so, just modeled my concept. but, iLogic is the next step for sure.


This is exactly the kind of thing I've been looking into lately!; This looks like the kind of approach that could be used to create variable density fill for objects destined to be 3D printed?

Autodesk Manufacturing Toolbox

Just a quick update...as i continued the fractal design method to the model, it gets closer and closer to spherical form.

...which makes sense given the model lends itself toward infinite surface area.

I thought it was interesting anyway.


I made a pentaflake in SolidWorks (2008). It is my interpretation of a 3D fractal: http://www.charlesculp.com/solidworks/PentaFlake_500.jpg

Blake Courter

That's gorgeous!

My attempt at a CAD-based fractal is here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0POQYrwHtG8&feature=g-upl&context=G27b8417AUAAAAAAAFAA


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